
Confessions of a Credit Score If It Could Talk

In life, people often ignore their credit score until and unless they face an issue. Credit score matters a lot, and they should be in good condition but we don’t really care about it until the last minute. It’s like it’s being taken for granted. Have you ever wondered how exactly the credit repair would feel about the way we treat it? With so much carelessness? What if credit scores could talk? Would would it say to us? Well, let’s dive into our imagination for a bit.

Retail Therapy is making me Anxious

Every person loves retail therapy, and it instantly makes him feel great. However, just as we enjoy ourselves on the shopping spree, it’s giving the credit score anxiety attacks. This is because each time the credit card maxes out, our credit score takes a serious dip, going down further and further. While the person enjoys and watches the credit card scan again and again, the credit score just falls deeper and deeper, probably having panic attacks and having no control over it. If you want your score to take a break and breathe for a while. Remember to keep the credit card balance below 10%.

Missing Payments gonna hurt!

The worst nightmare for a credit score is late payment. If it could feel, this would be the worst pain. Our payment history is responsible for 35% of the score. One late or missed payment sends it into a deep, deep spiral. Once you miss a payment, it’ll reflect badly on your report and stay there for years. Hence, your credit score would love it if you could keep reminders on your cellphones to make your payments on time and give it some happiness.

Use your brain and stop applying for a new Credit Card!

Oftentimes cashier at shops offers enticing options such as applying for a new store credit card and getting 20% off, and the person immediately rushes to avail of the offer. The bad news is this is very hurtful for the credit score. Every time a new card is applied for, the credit report receives a hard inquiry, and the score is lower for the time being. If credit scores could talk, it’ll probably be screaming, telling you to stop being silly and not apply to so many credit cards. If you want to be a responsible person, only get a new card when you have no other option and wait at least six months before doing so.

Don’t make me suffer for no reason!

Credit score can’t do anything on its own. Your actions are what controls it and affects it. Make sure to check it out now and then and see what’s in your report. There might be some incorrect information that should be fixed immediately to save your credit score. To maintain the score, you can view an annual credit report for free of cost online.

Fortunately, credit repair doesn’t hold grudges; it’s just a reflection of what you do and how are your financial habits. If you keep your habits good, the score will automatically become good. So as long as you act properly, the score will be happy and show it’s good side to you and provide you with great opportunities. So, if the credit score could talk, it’ll definitely recommend booking a consultation with Boosted Roasted to learn about how to manage and keep your credit score in a healthy shape.



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